Saturday 28 November 2015

Certification of a 15 Horror

Horror tends to apply to the 15 or 18 age restriction certificate, depending on the intensity of violence and gore. However most focus on being 15, to attract a greater audience.

Features of a 15 Film:

- Strong Violence
- Sexual scenes or references
- Inappropriate Language
- Involvement or use of drugs

In a 15, sexual content can be shown, but not to the great amount of detail an 18would portray. Nudity can be shown to an extent. Violence can also be shown, however strong sadistic violence is highly unlikely for this age. All features of a 15 must be shown carefully, due to the impact and encouragement it can cause on young influential teens, such as misuse of drugs, and sexual harassment.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

 The credits on modern day Horror films are usually white and bold and seem to be hand written.